We have also been working on getting the side garden edged, along the driveway on the shady southern side of the house. Shade can be a bit tricky to plant, but I like the challenge. It helps me narrow down the endless list of plants I'd like to put there, for one! I have planted a few things along there since we moved, but during summer our dog Olive liked to sit there to escape the heat. There are some survivors of her demolition work, and these include a portwine Magnolia, a Yesterday Today and Tomorrow, a lovely little native Correa alba, half a Daphne and half a white Japonica Camellia. I am choosing to see these as 'half full', and not 'half empty'... there is always hope! Under these are scattered a few hydrangeas, aquilegias, hostas and hellebores. Right at the back end I have planted a Davidson's plum, a native rainforest tree with delicious fruit that I will probably have to share with the birds. All that remains is turning it into a real garden bed, by putting in some edging. We managed to get some recycled koppers logs from a friend and dug them in, screwed to a few stakes to hold them in place. A bit of mulch finished it off nicely, and now it looks much more civilised.
I will add a few more plants when I have more time to go nursery-hopping, I'm on the lookout for some japanese windflowers as they are looking so stunning at work right now. I usually can't leave a nursery empty handed, so I would rather wait until I can search out some real treasures to fill it out with.
Japanese Windflowers in April bloom nearby
We also decided to put a garden edge on the outside of the pool fence, to help with mowing and keep the grass out of the garden beds inside. I had hoped to dig out the grass but it is far too happy where it is! I will have to give it a spray and come back when I have more time, to pull it out.

Looking good!