So, what did I order?! In the catalogues there were so many bulbs I hadn't come across before, it was quite difficult to choose! I wrote a wish list, and then a shortlist. And I was still over the budget Matt gave me... Luckily (or not... I'm choosing to be an optimist) the early birds had got the worm, and I missed out on a few of the rarer bulbs. This thankfully narrowed my list somewhat and I ended up deciding on muscari 'Mount Hood'; a lovely little grape hyacinth with dark blue at the bottom and white on top, striped squill; which are similar to bluebells if they were paler blue with white stripes, and Lachenalia mutabilis... which are so unusual that a description escapes me. This picture from the Garden Express website should help:
And now comes the fun part, deciding where to plant them. The front garden will probably be best, as it is really dedicated to flowers and designed to pretty the house up. A couple of the local girls have taken to pinching my roses though, and it would break my heart to see these babies disappear! I will probably just risk it and trust that there will be enough to go around... I do like to think that they enjoy the flowers and will hopefully be inspired to grow their own someday.

And on that note, here is an update of the rose bed at the very front of the yard, and the new bed we built along the front of the house. The roses have filled out and the little bloomers added colour in the gaps. I was lucky enough to pick my first rose bouquet for the kitchen, which I didn't expect in the first year!

The new bed along the house and verandah was filled with shrubs with purple or white flowers, and under 2m in size. There are a couple of different gardenias, as their fragrance and elegance earned them a fair amount of space (especially under the bedroom window). We kept the existing maybush since it fits with the colour scheme, and I love the rounded weeping shape. The hibiscus was not so lucky, although its abundant flowers had awarded it a stay of execution until now. I have been around long enough to know that a hibiscus in summer is at its peak, and that in winter it will look pretty scrappy. And the red flowers were never really my style... then recently I started noticing tibouchinas flowering in the streets and finally had a better option! So we picked up a 'Jazzie' variety that will grow to about 1.5m and have stunning purple flowers. Much better!
Tibouchina 'Jazzie'
We have also planted a jasmine to climb over the verandah rail for cover and fragrance, a 'Cherry Pie' heliotrope to attract butterflies and add a rich vanilla scent, and some natives to attract birds; a Leptospermum 'Cardwell' and a gorgeous silky Erempohila that is my baby- it is so wonderfully soft to touch. A mauve dwarf crepe myrtle filled the last gap, and we then laid a timber edge and mulched the whole bed with fine woodchips to keep the moisture in and the weeds out. It should fill out nicely over the next year.
When we first moved in I planted a little apricot tree in the middle of the front lawn, in front of the bedroom window. Because it is deciduous, it will shade the room from the hot western sun in summer and let the sun in to keep it warm in winter. And apricots fresh off the tree are truly a different experience to shop-bought, the jammy flavour and soft flesh is divine. I can't wait to see it fruit! After planting I put a few rocks around in a circle and planted the old nerines inside it, and now they are looking a treat! as Autumn flowering bulbs, they serve as a reminder and encouragement to hurry up and get the spring bulbs in the ground so they can begin to work their magic!

The giant allium, 'Prins Claus' crocus and chequered lily will just have to wait until next year, hopefully I can get them in my hot little hands before they sell out next time!
I googled the last two you missed out on, they are beautiful and very unique! Your garden is looking lovely, the tibouchinas are at their peak here too, I just hate their hairy, sticky leaves. They used to get all over our clothes and dress ups when we were kids! And the dog...poor Panda!