You see, I have learned that roses are just about the toughest plants around and reward every ounce of energy invested in them. Give them a sunny spot and they are happy, and if you manage to feed and water them and remove the old flowers, most will bloom for 9 months of the year! What great value! I have even come to love the stark neatness of roses after a winter prune, as tidy and refreshing as a new haircut.
So there are no prizes for guessing what I have chosen to grow along the front fence of the house (if indeed we replace the front fence...that story will have to wait for another day!). There were a few roses growing here already, but they have all gone to rootstock except for one. I have always loved cool colours in the garden as they are so calming and relaxing, and am planting a row of mixed purple, mauve and white roses as the front border. These will be underplanted with a variety of flowering annuals and small perennials in blue, white and purple. So far there are mixed alyssum and blue lobelia starting out, and I scattered some mini daffodils bulbs from the old house through for a bit of brightness next spring.
Most of the roses have been bought and planted, and include a list of very distinguished guests; Charles de Gaulle, Margaret Merrill, Lagerfeld, Pascali, Young Lycidas, and Neptune along with Fragrant Plum, Ebb tide, and Blue Moon. I am still seeking the elusive Rhapsody in Blue and may have to settle for a Big Purple, which I am assured lives up to its simple name. This will replace an existing La Sevillana in the garden, which is a striking lipstick red, and while quite stunning, doesn't really fit in with the look I am going for. It will find a good home with my friend Megan once I finally make a decision and dig it out.
Until next time, here is a sample of the roses that have flowered for me so far;
Charles de Gaulle- one of my favourites,
Margaret Merrill,
Ebb tide (this picture doesn't quite capture the deep purple colour),
Neptune - one I had not seen before but well worth the gamble,
and Fragrant Plum.
I am sure the rest will be worth the wait!