Organising the fence has been a bit of a drama, as we knew it needed replacing but were a little naive about the costs involved. After an appalling quote to replace fences around the pool, side of the house and front yard, we needed be more realistic. We chose a simpler design, opted to remove the old fences ourselves, and decided that the roses along the front would provide enough of a barrier for some privacy.

The pool was more of a challenge, but with an even more satisfying result. I have never been a fan of colourbond, but I understand that it has it's place. That place is just not in our yard, running all the way around the pool and blocking the view to the rest of the garden! The brown and olive green colour didn't help the situation, nor did the rusting posts and gaps almost big enough for our dog (or a small child) to get through.

Having looked into the legal requirements for the new pool fence, I am thankful that the council never inspected the old one as we would have found ourselves swimming in fines. Pardon the pun!
Matt has been a knight in shining armour, buying a grinder and spending his break time in between shifts at the restaurant to cut down the panels and posts before the 5 day deadline.

And by some miracle it was finished on Christmas eve! The new fence is a cream coloured tubular design with a decorative scroll at the top, and taller colourbond sheets along the boundary fence to comply with legalities. From the back patio area you can now see into the pool and beyond. As you can imagine, I am itching to start working on the gardens around the pool to finish it off!

The irresistable Angelface, to fill the last space

The ever-so-classy Lagerfeld

Young Lycidas, my only David Austen rose

Pascali, apparently very popular for bridal bouquets

And Blue Moon, right next to the mailbox.
Looking forward to what the new year will bring!